Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's Happening In 2009?

Marvin Gaye--please believe it. Not only was he incredibly beautiful and insanely talented (check him out in this YouTube video tickling the keys), his seminal album, "What's Going On?/What's Happening Brother?" was THE soundtrack of its time. Turns out it was also prophetic. He sings of mothers crying over their lost sons and husbands and brothers, and the war and joblessness and money being tight. "You know we've got to find a way to bring some lovin' here today."

True indeed.

Not that it's going to solve all of the craziness being caused by today's stressful economic times, but for sure, a little lovin' goes a long way, doesn't it? This is my prayer for each of you, that a little lovin' helps each of us through this mess--that in our embracing of one another, we find hope in one another.

My family is incredibly blessed, and while there's always room for improvement, we're not ones to really do the New Year's resolution thing. But we do have hope--hope that our country heals, that the best of us do everything in our power to help the least of us, and that each of us marches through 2009 a little smarter, a little stronger, a little wiser. A little happier.

We hope the same for you and yours.

Happy 2009.

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  1. I can't wait to find out what 2009 has in store for us. Change is coming. Happy New Year!

  2. Amen!!! amen..

    ( I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE Marvin Gaye...)

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family! Amen to a little lovin'! If only that can be spread around the world. What a better place it would be!

  4. Much love to you, to ONE and ALL! And a happy HAPPY 2009 to all! What a way to close 2008 out and usher 2009 in - with good ole' Marvin.

  5. You can NEVER go wrong with Marvin! Thanks for getting me into the new year with a great message!

    Happy New Year Denene!!

  6. Happy New Year! Looking forward to building with you in 2009! Thanks for helping me achieve some firsts in 2008!

    Peace and blessings to you and your family!

  7. Happy New Year! Thanks for being one of my favorite bloggy BFFs!!

  8. Happy New Year's to you too! Thought I'd stop by here after seeing my sister's blog about the famous lady. :)

    ~ Drew

  9. Love your blog! I was tagged by via for their 2009 New Year's Sprit award and now I am tagging you. Tune into my blog on January 3rd.

  10. I'm glad there are others out there with hope! I'll add a sprinkle of faith too because I truly believe that great things will happen in 2009. Have a Happy New Year!

  11. What a great message to take into the new year! We are going to have a fabulous, healthy and exciting year!

  12. The song is truly timeless, and he was so beautiful. This video is awesome.

  13. Happy New Year!

    What a beautiful message! Anything is possible, if you believe.

    Looking forward to a prosperous year!

  14. Happy New Year!

    Definitely. I think there will be some healing going on. Nothing stays the same forever and even if things do get a tad worse before they get better... they will get better.

    Looking forward to enjoying a lot more MBB in the year 2009 =)

  15. happy new year!!!

    and hey, can we also mention that mr. marvin gaye was not only beautiful and talented, but from dc... yes, gotta throw that part in. ;)


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