Monday, January 12, 2009

Isn’t She Lovely? PLUS: A New MBB Giveaway!

The first time I met my friend Ruby, I was mesmerized. I mean, look at her: Her skin is deliciously chocolate, her eyes are incredible—piercing. And when she smiles? A thousand angels weep for joy. She is, in a word, stunning.

I took this picture one recent Easter at my sister-in-law’s house, while the kids were out hunting for eggs. It was a sneak attack; Ruby didn’t know I had the camera aimed at her, and just when I clicked she turned and looked right into the camera with that amazing smile. And she’s every bit as sweet as she looks in this picture, which I'm posting to help celebrate the launch of the new I Heart Faces blog.

Ruby's sweetness extends to her passion/side-hustle as a designer for her own jewelry company, Stringz Attached. Her designs, unique and spicy, are sold in several Atlanta-area boutiques, and she’s fast becoming a rising star on the jewelry design circuit, selling out private shows and leaving all of us in her circles wondering how she does what she does, and how we can get more of her bling. Lucky us: She’s expanding her business to include jewelry-making parties, during which she teaches us crafty wannabes how to duplicate a few of her pieces. Just yesterday, she threw a jewelry-making party in my living room for 13 little giggly girls, ranging from age 2 to 10—spent hours teaching them how to make necklaces and earrings and bracelets adorned with butterflies and hearts and bows.

Be clear: It takes an incredible amount of patience, enthusiasm, and yes, sweetness, to keep 13 children engaged, happy, and satisfied. For sure, by the time Ruby finished with those girls, she was a bona fide rock star; I thought maybe we’d have to hire security to get her out of the house.

Ruby did eventually make a gracious getaway, but not before she let me talk her into donating this dazzling necklace and bracelet set for our new MyBrownBaby giveaway. The precious-in-pink translucent beads are hand-strung with miniature white beads, and finished with a gorgeous ribbon designed to hang on the side. A matching double bracelet with hot pink, light pink, and white beads sets off the set beautifully.

Want in on Ruby’s uber girly bling? Here’s how you can win it for the lucky little girl in your life: Visit Ruby Buah’s website at Stringz Attached, then come back to MyBrownBaby and leave a comment telling me which of Ruby’s designs is your favorite by 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 18, 2009.

Want to enter more than once? Boost your chances of winning by completing one or more tasks on this list:

If you haven’t already, sign up for MyBrownBaby’s email updates by 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 18, 2009. To be eligible, you must verify your email subscription when Feedburner sends you a verification email. Your entry will be invalid if you do not verify. If you would prefer to get MyBrownBaby updates via an MBB RSS feed, please leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so, and include an email address, as RSS subscribers are anonymous.

Rate MyBrownBaby on Top Sista Sites—be sure to leave a comment!—and then leave a comment here at MyBrownBaby telling me you did so by 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 18, 2009.

Blog about MyBrownBaby and post a link to your blog entry here.

Fave MyBrownBaby on Technorati. After you do this, come back to MyBrownBaby to leave a comment with your Technorati user name so that I can verify it.

See? That means each of you can receive up to 5 entries. A winner will be chosen via, and contacted via email. This contest is available to U.S. mailing addresses only.

In the meantime, if you live in the ATL area, you check out Ruby’s jewelry designs at Cherry Pie, Festivity, Hand In Pocket, Pashmere, and Fab-Rik Forum; if you’re interested in hosting a jewelry party with Ruby’s Stringz Attached, give her a shout at

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  1. I could not make up my mind, I liked everything in the cosmopolitan collection the best. Yes Ruby is beautiful.

  2. Your friend Ruby is beautiful and so talented. I love the Salsa bracelets.

  3. seriously adorable jewelry! i love it! and ur right, ur friend is stunning! her dimples are the cutest ever! i'm jealous!

  4. Wow! A beautiful face and a great giveaway! Thanks for joining the fun at I Heart Faces:-)

    The jewelry is all wonderful. I have to agree with the last comment. The cosmopolitan collection is my favorite.

  5. Hey, I gave you a 10 on Top Sista Sites! Thanks for introducing us to Ruby. I'm in the ATL, so I'll have to check her out.

  6. Beautiful jewelry! My favorite was the Highlight earrings from the Festivity collection. Perfect w/ a simple white shirt, jeans and heels.

  7. I recommend Ruby's spectacular skills as a great addition to any children's parties! My girls and I had a wonderful time! They were both so excited to pick out their very own pieces and put it together all by themselves. They met new friends and came home feeling fabulous! I had to negotiate with my 2 year old to take her necklace off for bath time!! Ruby--YOU DA BOMB! :0)

  8. She is definitely beautiful. All that you point her out to be... not to mention that gorgeous crop she has going on. all those beautiful curls nestled up top (please excuse my nappy fetish, yes I am finally admitting that I have one, lol).

    I know the girls had a great time. Miss J loves making jewelry and surprisingly makes a lot at her after school program. Who ever gets that pretty pink set will definitely be one luck and fabulous lady.

  9. Absolutely impossible to pick a favorite. ALL her work is stunning. If I had to choose it would be something from the dream collection but I do keep coming back to that Salsa bracelet picture. Great work.

  10. I think the rhythm earrings and india neckace are absolutely stunning.

  11. She does have a beautiful smile, you can see her spirit shining through. I too give jewelry making parties for women and children, and I have to say it does take patience. However, it is the most joyous thing to see a little princess wearing her own creations!

  12. Wow ~ she is one super talented lady! I love her Dream collection. Gorgeous!

  13. She's gorgeous! What a serene smile with stunning dimples. Great capture of her beauty on your part too!

  14. Yes, beautiful!
    I like sassy from the dream collection!

  15. blogged

  16. She's gorgeous and she makes gorgeous jewelry!

    I like the "Twinkle" earrings and also "Lemon Drops"--but really, it's all pretty!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  17. I love the Champagne earrings! :)

  18. Love the Salsa bracelet. Thanks.

  19. Denene, thanks for your super kind words! I loooove this post! I keep coming back to read it over and over and over again. Am I beginning to sound vain already :o) LOL

    I had so much fun with the girls - thanks for that opportunity...

    I am already putting together designs for my next girly girl bling fling :)

    Happy Tuesday,

    BTW, I can't wait to see what ends up being the most popular piece and who gets to win it! I'm excited!

  20. Denene, thanks for your super kind words! I loooove this post! I keep coming back to read it over and over and over again. Am I beginning to sound vain already :o)

    I had so much fun with the girls - thanks for that opportunity...

    I am already putting together designs for my next girly girl bling fling :)

    Happy Tuesday,

    BTW, I can't wait to see what ends up being the most popular piece and who gets to win it! I'm excited!
    Thank you all for your compliments - I am blushing :)

  21. Yes, I know Ruby personally and not only is she a great person with a wonderful personality , her jewelry is the bomb!!! You go my sister

  22. I agree with all the lovely comments that have been made about Ruru... She is FABULOUS and her jewelry speaks volumes.. I forever get compliments when i wear her pieces...

  23. Ruby Buah is an exemplary friend and a sister from another mother with skills in jewelry making.Thats just one of her many talents,she displays all qualities necessary to provide her clients,friends,and family the support and understanding they require.Best wishes for continued success my lovely,passionate,and excellent best friend and sister.Love you!!!

  24. I was privileged to have been at the event. I took my 3yr old and her best friend and they had a blast. They are still talking about the event. Everyone I know with a little girl can't wait to have their own girly girl bling fling.
    Ruby's got skills and I am proud to call her a friend. Way to go girl.....

  25. I visited stringzattached and loved it! so well done. beautiful merchandise, site, photos - very nice. i especially loved the calypso bracelet, vintage romance earrings and red peacock earrings, oh- and the champagne earrings. i emailed her requesting prices bc i'd love to buy some merchandise. i also rated you 10 on top sista sites (her and i have same web designer,btw :)) i also signed up to receive your posts. thanks for the heads up about the fabulous jewels!

  26. My nine year old is always in my jewelry. Reminds me of myself when I was a child always in my mother's perfume. She would adore some jewelry. Game on!

  27. I love the red peacock earrings from the Salsa collection

    tiramisu392 (at)

  28. Wow, she has gorgeous things! I really loved the Calypso Bracelet! Where can I purchase this?

  29. I liked the possibilities in the Cosmopolitan collection. Very pretty.

  30. okay so her jewelry is soooo beautiful, it was really difficult to choose one are some that really got me going - champagne, red peacock, vintage romance, white turquoise, urbane favored, and lucky number 3. Ooowee I gotta visit those boutiques and support Miss Ruby! Thanks so much for putting me onto her D. jd

  31. I left the following comment on Top Sista Sites: My Brown Baby is so fantastic because the writers are fearless in expressing their opinions and observations. I love the wit, realness and powerful people and issues they highlight and explore. Great blog!

  32. Very Sweet Jewelry!

    I loved the India Inspired Necklace.

    Please, count me in. Thank you :)

  33. I am subbed by rss feeder (bloglines)

  34. I love the Cosmopolitan Collection. Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Ugh! I had to nurse two sick babies. When I finally got them both to sleep, I made myself to some apple cider sat on the couch to rest and read, then I passed out and missed the deadline! But I wanted to see who the winner is.


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