Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Kid, The Next Last Comic Standing, Part II: The Knock Knock Sisters Take The Stage

I wrote back in January about my Lila and her fearlessness and how I had to take myself out of myself to allow her to follow her 6-year-old passion. (Now, the thing you should know about 6-year-old passions is that they're subject to all kinds of little whims, and can quickly devolve into loud, teary, hissy fits if said whims are not indulged. Try telling the girl that all the red popsicles are gone and only purple and orange are left. Or that it's just not fresh to wear a corduroy mini-skirt and sandals in 40-degree weather. Exactly.) Still, at the urging of many of my MyBrownBaby friends, I let the girl try out with her best friend, Maggie, for the school talent show.

And wouldn't you know it? They got in.

After months of weekly school rehearsals and impromptu, on-command performances for me, Nick, and Maggie's 'rents (Maggie's mom is Gretchen, the star of last week's "Little Things" post), the big night finally arrived; the duo, dubbed "The Knock Knock Sisters" by the talent show organizers, hit the stage and tore the house down with their super cute performance.

No, they didn't "win"—not officially, anyway. Trophies went to an adorable little girl who did a super-cute magician act, another little girl who did a rousing performance of Aretha Franklin's "Respect," a 5th grade boy who wrote an original poem about Barack Obama, and two other little girls who, in my opinion, did some wholly inappropriate dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and a song (if that's what you want to call it) by Soulja Boy. Still, Maggie and Lila were—and still are—winners in my book—for signing themselves up, committing themselves to a routine, and climbing up onto that stage in front of an auditorium full of people, and telling their jokes with confidence and great big ol' smiles and ease. Like they'd been telling jokes together for years.

Check out our babies up top.


(With special thanks to Gretchen for the video, which she shot through proud tears of joy!)

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  1. Can I explain the poor video? I'm no videographer - but honestly - this is terrible. We weren't allowed to record, but 5 seconds in I decided to make a bootleg video. Thirty seconds in I decided I was tired of watching these two sweet little girls through a viewfinder. That's why the last half is the top of their heads - I completely forgot I was holding the camera.

    But let's be clear - they were hilarious.

  2. They were absolutely adorable and hilarious- I was there!

  3. @Gretchen: Okay, look, your video is far superior to mine, that's for sure. I'm the loser mom who showed up with a camera that had no batteries. If it weren't for you, I'd have no proof my child told even one joke, so your video is much appreciated!!!

  4. They are winners for sure! I admire their courage and their abilities to get up their and do their thang!! How cute they both were!!

  5. How cute are they? Awww. Even though they're six, I still want to pinch some cheeks!

  6. Lila and Maggie made me so proud and hopeful about the women of the future. Strong, funny, and fearless, that's what we need for sure! Way to go for some obviously fearless parenting too!

  7. Oh now they are just adorable. Thanks for sharing with us.
    I am the very lucky winner of the Ultimate Blog Party prize from you... Yeah!!! I am so excited. Thanks so much for the prize. I can't wait for them to arrive.. Yeah!
    itsjustmerene2003at yahoo dot com

  8. Lila and Maggie are fearless, indeed! I tell ya, I learn so much from children, perhaps they should be allowed to teach for a living??? Lord knows my two could use some income-generating activities, cause they can EAT...LOL!

    Thanks for sharing! I think of the jitters we grown-ups get from time to time, and laugh at how these girls look like they were born to do this at the ripe old age of 6! Oh, and um, Lila didn't look one bit a nervous, and looked like she'd make Maggie cry if she didn't say "knock knock" on queue. She is gangsta!

  9. Beautiful! The Knock Knock Sisters... I like that!

  10. The Knock Knock Sisters are winners, and fearless! Any child who can get up in front of an audience and perform as beautifully as these two did is a winner. (Why, oh why, do talent shows need to have "winners"?).

    They had me chuckling.

  11. That is gorgeous! I love all of your blog, every part of it is amazing. I am looking forward to coming back and digging around!

  12. too cute.....and I love that they were raised to have such confidence....bravo!

  13. Oh my goodness, so when can I buy tickets for their next show??!! They are so cute and hilarious...I esp loved the cashew knock-knock joke!

  14. This is the first post in the carnival that I've seen with a video and I love it! Comedy is a necessary art form at the very least! Both girls did fantastic - thanks for sharing. Please tell your daughter my son really enjoyed the act, too. :)

  15. It's so awesome that they were not afraid to get up there and show their stuff.


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