Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The nurse insisted that her heartbeat was too slow and so to be sure that my soon-to-be-born little girl arrived in top form, I needed to lie on my right side. I had two IVs (one in the crook of my arm, the other on my knuckles), a belly monitor, a catheter, and an epidural taking up valuable real estate on my body, but girlfriend paid that absolutely no mind. Seventeen hours passed by. She wasn’t ready.

But when that baby decided it was time? Well, it was on. Not a minute after I convinced the nurse to let me lay on my left side “for just a little while,” she practically leaped out of my stomach—three pushes and she was in the hands of the baby catcher standing in for my ob-gyn, who hadn’t a chance to make her way from the scrub room to the maternity ward. You’re slow, you blow.

Lila Elisabeth Chiles works on her own time, and waits for no (wo)man.

That’s my baby—and today, she is seven years old.

Here’s what you should know about my Lila: She is incredibly smart. A leader, definitely not a follower. Hysterically funny. Impatient. Helpful. Messy. A total sugar monster. Beautiful. Girly. And a total tomgirl, too. Sweet. Strong-willed. Sporty. A bit of a rabble-rouser.

The love of my life.

Today, we’ll bake a cake—maybe vanilla with strawberry icing.

And we’ll sing “Happy Birthday” (the Stevie Wonder version, of course).

She’ll wear her orange dress and play secret agent, maybe with her best friend Maggie, and I’ll hug on her and kiss on her and love on her because today is her birthday.

Lila is lucky number seven.

A big girl.

But still my baby.

Until the dolphins fly and parrots swim the sea, I’ll love you always, sweet Lila.




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  1. I stumbled on your blog the other day and I have been enjoying it ever since. I love these photos of your daughter!

  2. Wonderful tribute! I actually just wrote one for my son too!
    Coming over from SITS

  3. Why am I just now noticing what a mini-you she is?? LOL. Sounds like quite a day you ladies have planned. I can't wait to see pictures of all the fun =)


  4. What a beautiful post. :))

    Happy birthday, Lila!! :)

  5. Happy Birthday Lila! My girls love the past pic of her in what they call a Princess dress. They said she looks very beautiful.

  6. What a great tribute!!! Happy Birthday Lila!!!

  7. Happy Birthday beautiful, brown Lila.

  8. Happy Birthday Lila!!!

    I had no idea that we both have beautiful brown Geminis wreaking joy, pain and havoc all over planet Earth:) My daughter Madison's birthday is tomorrow. From your description, it sounds like Lila and Maddie would get on famously:)

    Peace and love,

  9. What a beautiful birthday tribute to you daughter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lila and many, many more!

  10. What a truly lovely ode to your daughter. She'll get a kick out of re-reading this when she's 20.

    Happy day to you!

  11. Happy Birthday Warrior Princess! She is definitely a force, and all I know is, ya best ta' stay on her good side, b/c she does NOT play...LOL! May God continue to bless and guide her for many birthdays to come! From me, Marley and Sage!

  12. Hi there!

    Those photos are just incredibly adorable!! Her bright spirit is just popping off of the page!!

    I hope the birthday celebration is as much fun as seeing these pics has been!!!

  13. Happy Birthday, Lila! May God bless you with many more!

  14. Happy Birthday Lila!
    You are a very beautiful young lady and you will ALWAYS be your mommy's baby. Forever, eternity, always, 'till the end of time, no matter what, etc. etc. etc.

    Enjoy the magic of your seventh year.....

  15. Happy 7th birthday Lila! You're a very pretty girl! Reach for the moon and you'll go far!

  16. What a beautiful post ... and little girl! Hope you all had a wonderful day!

    Winks & Smiles,


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