Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday—If You Think This is Bad, You Should See The Other Kid!

Okay, so Lila didn't lose her two front teeth throwing 'bows. Well, not really. Let Mari tell it, and an unfortunate jostling incident with her sister over a bowl of pasta just "helped" the first tooth fall out. The second tooth is somewhere on the soccer field, having been "helped" into the grass when it made an unfortunate connection with a fellow teammate's forehead.


Anyway, I just got a kick out of the snaggle-tooth phase. Too cute.

Lila would like the tooth fairy to know that she prefers cash, but checks are fine, too. Just leave all monies by the door, please. You may be world renowned and all, but she doesn't really dig strangers all up in her room in the middle of the night.


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  1. Stupidly, our tooth fairy began leaving $5 for each tooth. Needless to say, the tooth fairy just about became broke once all those teeth started falling out!

    But, you're right - kids are so cute at this age!

  2. We are in a major tooth fairy phase around here as well. It is a cute look.

  3. Cutie Pie! Love the picture. Miles wasn't checking for the toothfairy to come into his room either. He thought it would be better to make the exchange on the table in the hallway. Right.

    Winks & Smiles,

  4. Oh my goodness - she's too cute for words!!


  5. wow! what a capture. love this shot! nice to meet you (virtually). sorry to have missed you at blogher. there's always next year? or what about the Mom 2.0 Summit in Houston? I'll be there!

  6. I love that face! The tooth fairy is serious business around here, I've suspected a few teeth were pulled to aid toward a purchase...too much!

  7. I love the snaggle tooth phase! My oldest lost his first top front tooth in an unfortunate swimming accident lol .... the memories!

  8. LOL! Too cute. She's gonna get you for posting that pic when she gets older.

  9. Cutie-patootie with no front toothie :) So cute, thanks for sharing!

  10. That is always one of my favorite stages in a little ones life. "Toofless" pictures are the best!

    Happy WW!

  11. Awww! She lost her toofers!!! I love this stage and I'm glad I get to see it two more times!

  12. This is too cute. My Goddaughter lost her took getting kicked in the mouth playing softball. I don't know how that happened. I also love how she said to leave it by the door. LOL!!! Too cute!

  13. That is such a GREAT shot.. seriously great!!

  14. Aww, I love it! This is a cute photo and makes for great blackmail when she's older!

  15. She's adorable with her toothless smile.

    Hope the tooth fairy is quiet when visiting and dropping off the cash!

  16. What a great shot ! She's beautiful ! Happy WW.


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