Friday, September 4, 2009

Check Out MyBrownBaby's New Blog At's The Parenting Post!

My smokin' hot job as a columnist and Mom Squad panelist for Parenting magazine just got hotter! As of today, I'm the newest blogger of's The Parenting Post. I join four other moms—Rocks in My Dryer, Mommy Needs Coffee, Daring Young Mom, and Mighty Maggie—in the Parenting blogger line-up; I'll be contributing the Friday posts there, blogging about the subject I absolutely adore the most: my beautiful, scary smart, wacky, goofy, lovely kids. Here, a sneak peek of my first Parenting Post column, which will be up later this morning:

I’m the Smart One, No Matter What My 10-Year-old Thinks

I am not an idiot.
I mean, I may have some bouts of momnesia every now and then, and my math skills may be a little questionable sometimes, and, admittedly, my geography kinda sucks… but still, with almost 41 years under my belt, a bachelor’s degree, and a thriving writing career, I assure you, I’m no dummy.

Now can someone please tell this to my 10-year-old? Because my Mari’s under the impression that she’s actually smarter than me.

Oh, she hasn’t come right out and said it, but it’s crystal the moment she pulls her homework out of her knapsack. Witness yesterday’s “My Mom Is Not Smarter Than a Fifth Grader” homework exchange...

To see the rest of my new blog column at The Parenting Post, click HERE. If you feel so moved, please leave a comment to let know that MyBrownBaby's girls are in the house!

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  1. I just want you to know that I love your blog. I don't think I've ever posted this fact. I didn't realize we were practically the same age. My son is in college now.

    They do begin to "smell themselves" around puberty. Your baby is a little advanced... must be the female factor. Good luck and congrats on your magazine blog.

  2. congratulations! I'm headed over to read the rest

  3. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to your posts...Love your blog, makes me so proud to be a sister and the mother of a brown girl!

  4. This is amazing news!Kudos and keep shining.

  5. Oh Denene! Congrats to you. You will continue to do well.

  6. Awesome Denene! Perhaps my son and your daughter got the same memo!?

  7. Congratulations! Keep it up and you are going to need a giant spool to house your resume! I know it has been like twenty years since I commented but you know I love ya and I am really proud of you!

  8. Good one on MyBrownBaby - it helps a lot!

    We clearly share similar parenting experiences and views.
    I've been reading one that I'm hooked on -
    I have a feeling you'd get a lot out of it.

    Incredible job on your blog; keep it up.



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