Monday, October 26, 2009

Proof That I'm Doing My Job: Black Girls and Self-Esteem

Check out the essay Lila penned as part of a school-wide PTA arts competition in which entrants were asked to give their artistic take on the theme, “Beauty is…” Your girl chose this topic without prompting from her mother, and I can't be more proud of what she wrote. (The picture is an illustration she whipped up for the essay.) *Dabs at eyes, pats heart, leaps for joy!* Check it out:



I love me because I am beautiful. I love everything on my body. I like my smile most of all. It is the prettiest thing in the whole world. I will not let anyone treat me the way I don’t want to be treated. Also I will not let anybody touch me in private places on my body. Also I would like to say I’m not just beautiful on the outside, I’m also beautiful on the inside. I’m smart, I’m good, I’m sweet, I’m helpful to others, and I’m strong.

And I’m happy to be me.

To read about how I'm trying to stop the cycle of low self-esteem in my brown babies, check out my latest offering at The Parenting Post by clicking HERE.

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  1. Wow you deserve to feel proud and congratulations. Keep on keeping on. Hurrah for beautiful you!
    Jo Ann Hernandez
    BronzeWord Latino Authors

  2. High five, Mama! Lila is clearly a part of breaking the long-standing cycle of issues that plague us as Black girls! I love it! Marley entered that competition too, and she's gonna blog about it this week! I know we share this sentiment: It's such a pride-filled feeling to be mothers to such amazing girls!!

  3. This is truly an amazing essay! If this is any indication of the potential that our young girls have to see the beauty in themselves then we're on our way. Keep up the good work.

  4. Applause for raising a daughter who knows that she is beautiful (and smart!)

  5. Amazing. Brava Lila snf Lila's momma!

  6. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  7. sweet. You're doing a great job Mama!

  8. If that isn't the sweetest cutest thing!

  9. Check out Self Esteem for Teens or “Empowered Teens and Parents”, my organization for teenagers and the parents who want to support their teen through these difficult times like Self Esteem for Teens. Its mission is to produce Self Esteem for Teens, by helping Self Esteem for Teens have a better sense of who Self Esteem for Teens are and make better decisions in all areas of life by learning how to love themselves and becoming empowered with Self Esteem for Teens.


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