Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Girl Crushing on Erykah Badu

I ♥ Erykah Badu.

Cop to being a total Stan...

Because she's fly...
And clever...

A master teacher...
Dedicated to her art, her culture and her people...

And it helps that she's totally badass...
Particularly when she tells him he "betta call Tyrone"...

And she demands a window seat...
So she can have a "chance to fly, a chance to cry, and a long bye-bye"...

Some days, it be's like that...

Say word, Erykah...

Say word.

(Erykah's new album, New Amerykah, Pt. 2: Return of the Ankh" drops next week—March 30, 2010. I. Can't. Wait.)

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  1. You aren't the only one. We all love Ms. Badu. She's beyond koolness.


  2. Ms. Millner,
    Please visit us at Color Online. Would love to have your input. I found your link on Derrick Barnes FB page.

    Have you been by and not comment and that's why I don't have you linked already?

  3. Erykah Badu rocks.. Great read..Thanks for sharing.

  4. Look her and the all the Neo-Soul Sistas. Hats off to you for this post.

  5. Someone blessed me with access to the whole album for a week and I have been JAMMIN! I love that she is fearless. She goes all the way there and beyond every single time. She's an artist's artist. Shameless creative drive inspires, no...challenges me to keep my game up...when I hear Erykah, I enjoy the wonderful pictures she creates in my head and the stirrings in my soul...but I also say, well damn...I need to get ta writing...right now.

  6. In a way Erykah Badu is reasonable for my marriage. When I first met my husband we were working together and I needed a ride home. I got in his car and he was listening to Erykah. That was it. A man listening to my girl?! Too sexy! That was five years ago...

    Can't wait for the new album. Thanks for sharing the video cause you know we can't stay up late enough for Jimmy Fallon!

  7. Okay, I'm going to go look for the album now...

  8. I luvs that chick too. She can do no wrong in my book.

  9. listening to her just takes to me to a certain place in my soul. I wanna curl up with some good smelling incense and a book and totally her.

  10. Love her music. Excited about seeing this latest lil' video of hers that's causing an uproar. You know the one she just filmed in Dallas near the JFK assassination site. She def knows how to push the envelope.


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