Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Word(ful) Wednesday: Look At Me...

I'm not really sure if pictures of me as a baby are limited because my parents weren't big on taking them or because I'M ADOPTED and I came into their lives too late for them to get a bunch of shots, but what I do know is that photos of me as a child are hard to come by. But a few weeks ago while I was planning a video in honor of my DAD'S BIRTHDAY, my cousin floated me a few pictures of Baby Denene, and I unearthed a few in my mom's old photo albums. When I look at them, I'm consistently amazed at how much Lila and Mari are my little mini me's; in these pictures, in my face and my eyes and my skin and my smile, I see my babies. And I know for sure that my blood flows through their veins—an amazing thing to consider knowing that these two little people are the only human beings I know, for sure, are of my blood. That still kind of gives me goosebumps.

Just thought I'd share.

For more Wordful Wednesday posts, visit Angie at...

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  1. I see Lila especially in little you!

  2. How are you doing? Very nice to meet you. I found you through as one of their bloggers, as I was searching for a way to submit my articles to magazine companies. I was a bit intimidated by all of those top-notch credentials all of those featured bloggers had, but then I found a few people that I could relate to. You being one of them. With that being said, I was wondering if you could share some of your wisdom on how you've developed your status.

    I've been working in the childcare industry for a few years now, and have learned and been certified in an abundant of child interaction tools, that I felt I should share my thoughts on. Some provided links are below, of my parenting articles, and some others that are of interest to me. Your opinion would be dearly appreciated. Again, thank you for your time and may your days thrive with blessings.

    Jay at Associated Content

  3. Correction to the Second link...

  4. Hi again,

    Are you really adopted? Don't want to take anything for granted, so I doublecheck. Both my daughters are adopted and I'd love to chat with someone of color that is also adopted. I so want to offer my children whatever they need to grow up as comfortable members of society, the black community, and a whole and compassionate human. It's hard, as a lily white mom, to be sure I give them what they need as a strong brown woman too. Advice would be gratefully accepted.

  5. Hey there, Verbenabeth! Yes, I am adopted. My parents made the courageous decision to adopt back in the late 60s and they are the only parents I know. If you click on "I'm Adopted" in the above post, it'll direct you to a post I wrote about it. I was adopted by African American parents, so my experience is different from your daughters. But I'm happy to talk to you whenever you need advice, encouragement, or just a listening ear. Please email me at denenemillner at gmail dot com so we can exchange information. And for any other adoptive moms of brown babies, and black children with white adoptive parents, if you're reading this, please do reach out to Verbenabeth with your tips and suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you, Verbenabeth!

  6. there is no mistaking it...they are your babies all the way! off to read about your adoption story!

  7. Baby pics are really good for that. Everyone said my son looked just like my husband until I whipped out some baby pictures of me and it was clear that he had his momma in him! Verbenabeth - a great site for multicultural adoption is

  8. I'd really like you to stop posting pics of Mari and Lila and calling them pics of you. Not cool. Especially the last two pics that are clearly Lila. You're not fooling us, sorry!

  9. Oh look at you! Quite the cutie. And I do see both of your babies in that cutesy face.

    Thanks for sharing. :-)

  10. Verbenabeth~ HI..My husband & I also adopted. We are both white & our gorgeous baby boy is biracial. I'd love to chat anytime!

    Tiara Faith~ Thanks so much for the website...I'll check it out too!

  11. Verbenabeth~ My husband & I adopted our gorgeous baby boy! We are both white & he is biracial. I'd be happy to chat sometime.

    Tiara Faith~ Thanks for the website! It's GREAT!

  12. Verbenabeth-My husband and I adopted our beautiful son, he's african-american and we are white. You can stop by our blog anytime or email me :)

    Our adoption story was also featured this week on

  13. Well aren't you just the cutest little thing. And look at how beautiful you have become. So glad to know you, and really, really, do hope to meet you.


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