Thursday, May 20, 2010

Check Out MyBrownBaby On Kathie Lee & Hoda!

I'll be kicking it with Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show today, answering the sticky questions parents have on everything from potty training and ear infections to bullying and junky teen rooms (*insert screeching horror music here!*). I know we'll have a blast! I'm on at 10:30 a.m. EST, but for those of you who can't watch live, I'll be posting the clip as soon as I get back to my computer.

See you on The Today Show!

UPDATE: Here's the clip, y'all! 

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  1. You rocked!! And, you looked fly too ;0)

  2. Wonder of wonders...I have Kathie Lee's dress in fuschia..

  3. Oh, congrats by the way, I was distracted for a sec. :)

  4. I never watch the Today show or even have the tv on in the morning. But fortunatley my husband was home and he had the tv on and there you were. You did great. Hope to see more of you.

  5. You give such great advice. Nice job.

  6. My gosh! So sorry I missed this, Den!


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