Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ohmigod—MyBrownBaby readers are the BESTEST! I mean, like, I heart you. I really, really heart you. Like the cast of Jersey Shore loves dranks. Like Terrell Owens and Chad Ocho Cinco love them some white women.  Like Kanye West loves himself.

That’s Mary J. Blige REAL LOVE y’all.

And why, my darlings, am I professing my profound affection for each and every one of MyBrownBaby’s readers? Well, because MyBrownBaby was selected as a finalist in the 2010 Black Weblog Awards for BEST PARENTING AND FAMILY BLOG!

*insert image of Denene doing the wop here*

With more than 32,000 nominations made and 10,000 ballots cast, MyBrownBaby is proud to be recognized as one of the best blogs about parenting and families on the web. I work hard to advocate for and celebrate black moms and moms of beautiful brown babies in every single post that makes its way onto this site, and I’m so pleased that you, my readers, cast your votes in support of the work I do here. For you. For us.

Now, you all know how much I like those “Black Weblog Awards Winner” buttons. They’re fancy. And so am I. And I want one. So I neeeeeed you, my dear sweet MyBrownBaby readers, to vote for MBB one mo’ gin. You have the entire month of August to vote to make MyBrownBaby a winner, but you might as well go on ahead and do it now, my sweets—while it’s on your mind. Please, please, PLEASE go through the entire six pages of the voting, include your email addy (they do not use it to spam you, promise!) and VERIFY YOUR VOTE, or else it will not count. And I'll lose. And you won't be able to see the YouTube video of me wopping it out to one of my favorite late '80s songs.

Oh yeah, you read that right: I will post on my YouTube page a video of me wopping. Want to see it? CAST YOUR VOTE FOR MYBROWNBABY HERE.

Winners will be announced sometime around September 1.

I invite you, too, to check out—and vote for—a few of my other blog favorites, including:

Black Girl With Long Hair

Thanks for your help! 

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  1. Congratulations!!!! Well deserved...and heck yeah I wanna see that You Tube video...time to round up the gazillion Dominican aunts, uncles, brothers, cousins, neighbors, and all those other people who come at the sound of a quarter dropping out my pocket claiming to be relating to me to vote! Love your stuff D. and am happy for you! Congrats.

  2. Congrats! I am new to your blog and love it already!

  3. @Carol: OMG--Hysterical! Bring em out—and thanks for voting!
    @Danielle: Welcome to MyBrownBaby! I'm so happy you're liking what you see here; I aims to please. Thanks, too, for the congrats and the vote!

  4. Congrats, Denene! I really enjoy your posts and admire your parenting style!
    a white mama waiting what seems like forever for her brown baby from Ethiopia to come home.


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