Thursday, November 18, 2010

Congratulations, Mari—The Newest Scholastic Kid Reporter!

Yes, that's MY baby—top line, first photo on the left, looking all cute and reporter-ish. It's the purr-fect pose, especially considering Mari was chosen this week to be a member of the Scholastic News Kids Press Corp! Oh yeah!

Mari became a huge fan of the Scholastic magazines this year when her teachers implemented them into the class curriculum, and when she was tapped for an interview in one of the November issues, she started tooling around Google, trying to find information on how to become one of the kid reporters. Sure enough, she found the application and spent weeks preparing it—interviewing people for an article, writing an essay about why she would be a good journalist, filling out page upon page of information about herself. And, with her fingers crossed, she put all of her hard work into an envelope and sent it on to be evaluated and judged.

I can't tell you how geeked she was when she got the email welcoming her to the Press Corp. She was chosen along with 41 other kids out of some 200 student applicants. Here's a snippet of the press release Scholastic sent out announcing its new reporters:
Today Scholastic (Nasdaq: SCHL), the global children's publishing, education and media company, welcomed 42 new members to the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps, a group of student reporters age 10-14 who cover current events, breaking news, entertainment stories, and sports events from their hometowns and on the national stage.

The Scholastic News Kids Press Corps delivers news for kids, by kids, and its stories are published on the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps site and in issues of Scholastic News® classroom magazines. In recent months, the Kids Press Corps has produced in-depth special reports on the midterm election and the Gulf Coast recovery efforts, explored the issues behind education reform at NBC's Education Nation, and conducted interviews with high-profile personalities including Taylor Swift,Tony Hawk, and Israeli President Shimon Peres.
"The Scholastic News Kids Press Corps has been a trusted source of news for kids, by kids, for 10 years," said Suzanne Freeman, Editorial Director of the Kids Press Corps. "Kids love being informed about what's happening in the world in a kid-friendly way. Our reporters are serious journalists and writers who supplement hard news coverage with their personal behind-the-scenes experiences on the Kids Press Corps blog and on Twitter."
I'm so very proud of my girl. She's got SERIOUS writing talent—and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother. Mari is nice with the verbs, for reals. Remember her opening up THIS poetry and short story shop to make a little cash? She got p-a-i-d. And now, all that writing and creative goodness is paying off in a big way.
I'm proud of you, baby girl! Keep making us proud—keep following your path. Keep using the gift that God gave you. 
You totally rock!

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  1. Congrats to your daughter. I am a new follower and I am so happy that I found your blog I was starting to wonder where all my lovely brown ladies were. Please pop over and visit me at The Mommy Chronicles

  2. Congrats to you, your daughter and your family! It's so great to see youth engaged in positive activities!

  3. This is fabulous! I wish they had something like it at my daughter's school, they don't even have a school newsletter and when she tried to start one she got NO support!

    BRAVO Mari!!

  4. Congrats to you both. Def reasons to be proud

  5. The peach doesn't fall far from the tree. :-)

  6. Aaaaaaaw, yeaaaaah!!!! Get it, Mari Chiles! D, congratulations to your big girl on her wonderful accomplishment. Clearly, she worked hard preparing for this role, and she was rewarded for her efforts. I have a feeling she's going to be on that sort of work-hard/get-dope-results track for a long, long time!

  7. Awesome news! Definitely a major accomplishment!

  8. Congratulations, Mari!!! Can't wait for the rest of the country to witness your awesome talent.
    So proud of you...Auntie :0)

  9. Big ole congratulations Mari! You rocks something like your Mom and Dad!

    Denene, you should be cloned!

  10. Congratulations Mari and Mom. Keep going, and be all that God has for you to be. Don't forget to take others along.

  11. Congratulations Mari. This is a great stepping stone into your journalism career. Denene, I can see the goo gobs of pride through your post. I will have Zaria check out her articles when posted. keep up the good work:)

  12. Congratulations Mari. Yes, I have a small clue as to where your talent comes from. Your mom and dad have written stories about you, your sister and brother. I am wondering if you will be reversing the process and perhaps someday interviewing your mom or your dad. Please let me know if you do, because I would love to read it. Every mother and father who facebooks on this account is smiling tonight and is so happy for you, just as if you were are own child.

  13. Denene - Congratulations, I have told Mari that perhaps she should reverse the process and interview your and/or Nick. Pay back time. I am sure you are both so proud of her. Barbara

  14. I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Congrats to your baby girl. And how much do I love this photo? All of these kids are too cute, especially Mari and Miss Thang in the bottom left with the green bow in her hair.

  15. Congrats Mari! Continue to let your light shine...


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