Wednesday, January 26, 2011

[Wordful Wednesday] Attack of the Killer Lemons

Occasionally Mari, Lila and I test the waters in the produce aisle at the grocery store, making a point of picking up fruits and vegetables that look weird or interesting or pretty. Sometimes we'll even buy some of whatever we stumble across and giggle as we taste—cracking up at the scrunchie faces we make while discovering if the produce is sour, bitter, salty, juicy, dry or sweet or whatever. (Remind me to tell you about the time we bit into a handful of kumquats.) 
Anyway, I was strolling through Whole Foods recently when I came across these—Buddha Hand Lemons. And I just couldn't resist bringing one home for the girls to try. Of course, before I could get it out of the bag good, the two of them dubbed the fruit The Killer Lemon With the Deadly Fingers.   

Mari's nose didn't stand a chance.

Alas, Lila lost the battle with the Killer Lemon With the Deadly Fingers when it wrestled her to the ground with its sour smell and funky disposition. I got retribution by shredding its sweet little skin and using it as zest on our sauteed shrimp and garlic dinner. Recipe coming soon!   
That'll learn killer lemons to take out my babies, doggonit. 
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  1. i am dying laughing at the thought of the girls thinking about this! amazing! and honestly, who would think to eat that in the looks deadly~and hello again, my friend. i missed you!

  2. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All kinds of dramatics in the kitchen - I love it!

  3. Oh, that thing looks like the Squid Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean. I hope it tasted better than it looks!

  4. Too funny, and that meal sounds delish!

  5. This is the first time ever i seen this fruit. Can't wait for your recipe :)

  6. Oh those killer lemons had it comin'! Poor girl pies! I love the MBB kitchen chronicles!


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