My bloggy friend, Ms. Wanda of Somewhere Over the 40th Rainbow, wrote a clever post yesterday in which she shared the five most significant events in her life between 2000 and 2009—our soon-to-be-finished decade; in her post, Ms. Wanda implored her readers to share a list of their own. I admit: I had quite a time remembering my last 10 years—the blessings, the beauty, the energy, the sadness. For sure, it was a helluva decade for me. Here, the five things I'll never forget (in no particular order):
God worked a second miracle for me and gave me my Lila, adding on to the most beautiful title any woman could ever have: Mommy. She joined her sister, Mari, who was born in the Prince party year—1999.

My beautiful mother, Bettye, went on to fly with the angels—leaving behind a husband, a son, a daughter, two granddaughters, and a gaping hole in my heart that will never, ever heal. I miss you, Mommy.

Reaching for peace and in search of satisfaction, Nick and I sold our New Jersey home, packed up our family and moved to Georgia—and never looked back. Everything we were looking for, we found.
With my babies by my side, I proudly cast my vote for Barack Obama, helping him become the first black president of this, our great country. Being a part of that history was magical.
After almost 20 years as a journalist—a career in which I've covered Rudy Giuliani as a political reporter, profiled entertainers as varied as Idris Elba, George Clooney, and Janet Jackson for everyone from the New York Daily News to Essence magazine, worked as an editor at Honey and Parenting magazines, served up expert mom advice as a columnist for Parenting, and authored 18 books—I wrote Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man for comedian and radio show host Steve Harvey; it debuted No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller's list, and was featured on Oprah twice. Woot! Woot!

I created MyBrownBaby, an incredible space where moms come to commiserate about what it means to raise a child of color in America. In this journey, I've stretched my mind, soothed my mom soul, and found a wonderful network of women who have filled my ordinary, everyday life with love and light. I thank each and every one of you who've subscribed, followed on Google Friends, or just made a habit of stopping by every once in a while. 2010 is going to be a great year, and this next decade is going to be more incredible than the last. I can feel it.