Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And What An Awesome Year It Was: MyBrownBaby 2010 In Review!

I can hardly believe that 2010 is coming to an end; it seems like it was just yesterday that we were designing this, the beginning of our new decade. But here we are, standing on the edge of 2010, staring 2011 in the face. I thought it only appropriate, though, that before MyBrownBaby does The Dougie into the new year, we take a look back at the posts that made us think, laugh, cry, cheer and toss an occasional side-eye. Stacked up together, it seems that 2010 was a pretty thoughtful and amazing year. Here, a recap of the awesome. Click on the sentences to see the original posts. Enjoy!

February saw Nick and I reeling in the post, “Evil Black Men,” over the vicious stereotyping of black men at our daughter’s school, but applauding Mari’s teacher for showing her class where they went wrong and how they could be better.

And wait until you see what MyBrownBaby has in store for 2011. More action! More adventure! More everything! BOOM POW!!! Until then, have yourself a fun, safe, awesome New Year—see you on the other side!

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  1. Wow!! A fabulous year in deed! So excited to see what next year holds!!! :)

  2. What a thorough recap of the year. It has truly been an amazing year for the MyBrownBaby community. I love the paris post! Amazing. And yes, when Sesame Street aired that segment, that was a great week for Black girls.

    Can't wait to see what next year brings! Cheers!

  3. love the recap!!! see u in the new year!!

  4. Congratulations on a STELLAR year! Looking forward to more FABULOUSNESS in 2011!

    Winks & Smiles,

  5. Congratulations on a fantastic year.

  6. Whoa! I just had a good ole time reading about it all again! Congrats to the entire family on all of your success!

  7. Thank you for what you have given us in 2010 and I look forward to what you have in store for 2011! I love reading My Brown Baby.


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